Training schedule

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CMA Award in Debt Advice

CMA Award in Casework/Specialist Advice

CMA Money Mentor Training

CMA Money Mentor Training

Money Mentor Training is only for those working in CMA Connect centres or any CMA debt advice centre wanting to explore the CMA Connect model. This is a one and a half days course followed by a post-course assessment.

1.5 days (9 hours)


No dates scheduled

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CMA Budget Coach Training

Advising & Supporting Vulnerable Clients

Advising and Supporting Vulnerable Clients Training

This training is for people providing budgeting guidance and/or debt for clients in vulnerable circumstances. The course aims to give tools to help identify vulnerable clients and ensure fair and quality support for all. For regulated debt advice providers, this course is designed to enable you to consider best practice in light of FCA Consumer Duty.

1 day (6 hours)

From £75.00